Miss Daydream's Vibrant Lipgloss It is #25. They will still have the EA outfit, except the hair/ hat, which may be my default replacement part for some SIMO's.Īnd first up is Way 2 Sexy Female Mail Carrier! This page has the outfit, baseball cap hat/ hair with ponytail (this WILL be used for other SIMO's), LS Accessory Nails, and the default SIMO. As these are for AF/ YF, it will NOT effect EF. I am making new default outfit files to go along with the new outfits. Each service and role Sim has a default outfit file. NOTE: I am experimenting with default replacement SIMOs, which means this. What if you want females? Again, thanks to Denton 44, you now have a choice, and so I dusted off an old project of sexed up female 'service providers'. One of those stupid things was that all Mail Carriers (among others) were always male. LadySmoks presents.Way 2 Sexy Female Mail Carrier! A HUGE THANK YOU to Denton 44 at Lovers Lab for his work to fix many of the broken, or just plain stupid things found in Oniki's Kinky World.